Tag: Beekeeping

  • We Have Spring 2025 Availability! Click

    Feel free to contact us with any questions. We have NUC availability for spring 2025. Our NUCs are $220. We wil accept a $100. deposit and the rest upon pickup. Pick up date is May 11 2025. Contact me for more information or to arrange payment at BeeHappyBeeKeeping@gmail.com 573-480-8330 Pay deposit with card here. Fill in blank box at checkout with contact information.

  • Are you planning on buying Bees?

    What Is a NUC? We are a family honey bee farm located in Olean, Mo. Our bees are all local Missouri bees, bred and raised here on the farm. We have Italian, Carniolan and Russion genetics available. I do not sell any bees before May because the weather here in central Missouri is too cold before April for bees and it takes a few weeks of nice weather to get your NUCs ready and make sure all queens are laying with acceptable patterns.For bees to be able to fly it has to be above 50-55 degrees. Otherwise they stay in the hive, or in a tight ball in the hive during cold harsh weather.  The first active month is the end of March and we build the NUCS and get them ready for you before the honey flow starts so you can have a productive year. Buying bees is not a 100% success rate for everyone. It takes management and study about bees to become successful. You can accomplish beekeeping by reading books and watching videos and mostly by getting your hands Sticky! Some people sell bees sooner than I do but they are more than likely shipped up from a yard in the south USA like Florida, Mississippi or Louisiana. Remember these bees are not native to our climate, some may do okay and most will not winter well.  I always recommend starting with 2 hives. If something happens to your queen, for example you could accidently crush her learning how to go through a hive the first time like I did!Some people have a great start with 1 hive and do great, however I started with 2 and I am glad I did because I accidentally rolled my queen (crushed between 2 frames) but I had bought 2 NUCs so I had taken brood from...

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